In class activity - assemble and test UAS motor

 We made a motor move by using simple buttons to replace the complexities of the electronic speed controller. in order to accomplish this, we needed to create a circuit by completing particular circuit routes 

There are two components that consist of BLDC motor. the first one is a stationary component called
a stator and stators have several distinct coils of wire that carry electrical current. the other one is a rotating component called a rotor and this rotor consists of permanent magnets outlining the casing. 

ㅁ When current flows through a coil of wire, it creates a magnetic field with distinct north and south poles that functions much like a regular magnet.

ㅁ The poles of the permanent magnet and electromagnet must either attract or repel each other based on the direction of the current flow in order to cause rotation of the BLDC.

If we apply the appropriate current, the coil will generate a magnetic field that will attract the rotors permanent magnet. Now if we activate each coil one after another the rotor will keep rotating because of this. Due to the force interaction between permanent and electromagnet, it will keep rotating.

(BLDC motor current waveform)

From the current waveform, we can see that there is one phase with positive current another phase with a negative current and the other phase is turned off. so, we can use a single current to energize two phases at once or share the current between them by connecting the free end points of each of the three phases.


1.    Using a multimeter in resistance or continuity mode, determine how the internal connection of the button is made. That is, when the button is pressed, which two leads become connected. 
2.    Install the six buttons into the breadboard such that the two open leads connect to different terminal strips. 
3.    Connect one side of the first three buttons to the (+) power rail. Connect one side of the remaining three buttons to the (-) power rail. 
4.    Solder three jumper wires individually into three female bullet connectors. Connect the bullet connectors to the motors and connect the motor yellow, black, and red wires, respectively, to separate terminal strips on the board (these should be separate from any other connections).
5.    Connect buttons 1-3 to the yellow, black, and red motor wires, respectively, via the terminal strip.
6.    Connect buttons 4-6 to the red, yellow, and black motor wires, respectively, via the terminal strip.

Two open leads is connected to different terminal strips.

The first button is connected to (+) power rail and one side of the remaining three buttons is connected to the (-) power rail.

The bullet connectors are connected to the motor(yellow, red, and black wires)

The 1-3 buttons are connected to the yellow, black, and red wires.

The 4-7 buttons are connected to the red, yellow, and black wires.

In order to move the motor, we have to follow this sequence (1,4), (2,5), (3,6)

In order to reverse the direction of rotation, we have to keep the yellow wire connected and change the black wire to the red wire.


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