Processing data withPix4D Software
the instruction for processing GCPS.
1. Obtain GCPs measurements in the field
2. On the menu bar, click View > Processing. The Processing bar appears at the bottom of the main Window.
3. Select 1. Initial Processing and deselect 2. Point Cloud and Mesh and 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index.
4. Click Start.
5. Add / import and mark ONLY 3 of the GCPs in the rayCloud
6. After having imported the 3 GCPs and having reoptimized the reconstruction, add / import the remaining GCPs with the GCP/MTP Manager WITHOUT marking them.
7. Mark the GCPs in the rayCloud
8. Click Process > Reoptimize.
9. (optional) Regenerate the quality report by clicking Process > Generate Quality Report.
Initially Process the data first
before setting GCPs.
Figure 1,2: initial processing
I did initial processing with rapid in key points image scale.
I did point cloud and mesh with default (1/4 quarter image size, fast)
Figure 4,5,6: DSM, Ortho mosaic and index.
I chose the triangulation method in Raster filters in terms of DSM, Ortho mosaic and index.
my GCP Locations
Figure 7,8: GCP/MTP manager
I removed every information except for easting, northing,
elevation information from the original excel file (turf farm nov2) in order to
import this document to GCP/MTP Manger.
After that, I reoptimized the project and made sure I had initial processing unchecked
and I had steps 2 and 3 checked.
the data by using GCPs
Figure 9: GIS Arc pro
Figure 10,11: Ray cloud
I used Arc GIS pro to see the exact 10 locations of each spot. And I utilized Ray Cloud to Mark the GCP points. I marked each 4 points manually and applied it
Finally, I reoptimized it to see the result with GCP input.
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