Performing Viewshed Analysis in ArcGIS Pro A dd the project data to a new map document. In the Catalog pane, browse to Databases, and then expand the VSPro geodatabase. On the Map tab, chose Streets to change the basemap. In the Format Polygon Symbol pane, click Properties, and then specify the following parameters: Color: No Color Outline Color: Mars Red (row 3, column 2) Outline Width: 2 pt The fields view opens, and the Fields tab opens on the ribbon. The fields view shows the content and format for each field in the LightLocations attribute table. For Field Name, type OFFSETA . The OFFSETA field will affect the height from which the viewshed will be created. It is a vertical distance in surface units to be added to the elevation of the observation point. Add the following additional fields to the fields view: AZIMUTH1 AZIMUTH2 RADIUS2 In the Geoprocessing pane, in the search field, type viewshed ., Click Viewshed (3D Analyst Tools), and then specify th...